OpenAmiga (572/959)

From:Martin Baute
Date:23 Aug 2000 at 14:19:27
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: SUSE 6.4 for PowerPC seems to be working ;-)

Hello Christophe

On 23-Aug-00, you wrote:

> Anyone has some information concerning the WarpOS
> hosted version done by haage and partner ?
> Once it is done and someone does a warpos emul lib on
> Morphos we can have both sytems running. It would stop
> the stupid classic/new amiga war.

Which is not made any better by the fact that Ralph S. of MorphOS
fame does not intend to provide any WarpOS compatibility of any
kind, last time he was asked. He is still adamant about PowerUP
being superior... :-/


Martin Baute
Registered Amiga Developer - Member of Bielefeld Amiga Users & Developers
Unless stated otherwise, above statements are reflecting my own ignorance
Some assembly required. Remember girlfriends are usually not coded in C++

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