OpenAmiga (603/959)

From:Martin Steigerwald
Date:24 Aug 2000 at 01:15:43
Subject:Painless networking (was: AMIOPEN: StormC and ARexx)

Rudi Chiarito <> wrote on Wed, 23 Aug 2000 08:32:09 -0500 about
"Re: AMIOPEN: StormC and ARexx (was: ARexx for new Amiga)" in <>:

> On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 10:45:47AM +0000, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > Yes, but together with Markus Poellmann on StormC4 which will be
> > rather cool, especially with its "distributed make" function allowing
> > compiling utilizing a network of Envoy equipped Amigas - TCP/IP can be
> Or it could be interesting to port the Envoy protocol to other
> platforms... *mumble*

Hello Rudi,

I *strongly* suggest that Amiga Inc. makes an offer regarding this to
Heinz Wrobel <> who did all the changes for Envoy 3
which is one of the best LAN solutions I ever seen on any damn
platform, at least when it comes to resource utilizing and speed and
speed of computer detection. With Samba and Windows you can wait for
minutes for computers to detect each other. With Envoy it is a matter
of a second or so.

You can even copy a big file and plug the cable out of the connection
and plug it back in without needing to abort the copy process. It will
show a requester and magically continue the transfer as soon as the
remote machine is connected again.

If AmigaNG is not going to provide at least this functionality it
lacks a lot. But AmiVerse should be even more, *way* more. Anyway,
when it comes to plainless basic networking Heinz Wrobel is a good guy
to ask.

And what is an IP address or netmask anyway? I forgot. ;)

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
ICQ: #34355756

Unless otherwise stated, my posts represent my
personal opinions and not necessarily those of my employer.
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