OpenAmiga (612/959)

From:Aaron Optimizer Digulla
Date:24 Aug 2000 at 09:38:07
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: "sh" for Ami

Quoting Michiel Erasmus <>:

> Where can I find "sh"?
> Or is that one of those commands which have he fork()-thing problem
> which
> you guys are working on?

Exactly :-) If you can make ixemul_exec() work, then you can compile
any number of Unix shells (well, you will be able to when Tao fixes
the absolute toolname bug and the flush bug).

> Does anyone here have "sh" or have an idea on what other possibilitys
> there are to get mSQL to compile?

The only solution I see is to run configure on Linux and then manually
change all the .h and Makefiles which it creates. You can probably look
at the various other ports which are already there to help you fill out

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Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla,

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