OpenAmiga (618/959)

From:Daniel Adler
Date:24 Aug 2000 at 13:03:56
Subject:Re: SV: AMIOPEN: 3D Support

On Wed, 23 Aug 2000, you wrote:
>> I read, the Amiga 3D-Team is porting Mesa to VP:
>> - Do you have an architecture, where it will be possible to support other
>> hardware than Matrox?
>Yes it will be possible, how/if/when others will be supported is a totaly diferent
>can of worms though.
>> - Do you implement a software-shading on the basis of VP-Assembler?
>> (This would perfectly fit into the concept of getting the best out of
>> everything - think about PDA's, Embedded Systems...)
>For OGL it�s using the Mesa Software driver, for others it�s a diferent story.
>> - What output-layers of the framebuffer are planed, will it be pixmap-AVO's?
>Not too sure yet.
>> - Are there other API's than OpenGL planed ?
>Yepp :)

Okay, that sounds interesting, is there a chance to get a look on the current
work of your group? (CVS or some tech-doc's about the architecture)

We're currently thinking about a software-renderer implementation of OpenGL
written in VP for lowlevel stuff like rasterisation. It would be fine, if
we see, that there's a standard evolving for the elate-os and we can work
together on it.

What do you think about the RenderWare3 stuff from crilion software?

so long,
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