OpenAmiga (626/959)

From:Daniel Robbins
Date:24 Aug 2000 at 20:22:23
Subject:Re: READMEs (Was: AMIOPEN: Amiga tool inclusion...)

On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 07:42:37PM +0100, Matthew J Fletcher wrote:

> any chance of you makeing them available, (for free), that is unless
> you need them to swell the gentoo coffers .. :-)

Sure, but first I'd like to know what they'll be used for. I'm hoping
that we can work from the same source tree and keep everything in
sync, so that we can both benefit from the others' fixes and
improvements. You'd basically be using the python-based Portage
package module (which will soon have dependency code in it too).

Daniel Robbins <>
Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
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