OpenAmiga (631/959)

From:Daniel Adler
Date:25 Aug 2000 at 01:28:37
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: ACommander

On Wed, 23 Aug 2000, Rady Marusa wrote:
>I solved near all problems and now, my file manager for AVE is
>available at
>Please let me know your opinions.
>Program is coded in VP ASM and of course it is freeware.
>For viewing/editing files, "Phatedit" application is called.
>Installation (in shell):
>"source install.scr"
>Launch (in shell):
>Known bugs:
>- Elate report "selected" item from LIST AVO also if there is nothing
> selected. Be careful with delete operation.

Hi Rady!

I started it and got prompt a signal and process got killed,

here's a dump of ebug prompted at me

Amiga 1.0:/$ ac
Hard coded breakpoint
Elate parameter check:
subroutine expecting p0 i0-i2 :i0
caller gave p0 i0-i2 :-
eax=FFFFFFFF ebx=00000010 ecx=40520DC0 edx=00000002 esp=404430EC ebp=40447A2B
esi=402376A0 edi=0002B51C eip=405257D4 flags=CP--S-I--
401EA3942D8B 405257D4 mov ebp,[401EA394]

I couldn't get more info (maybe someone know's how) - please reassemble your
code with "-g"

so long,
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