OpenAmiga (651/959)

From:Gary Peake
Date:25 Aug 2000 at 22:07:37
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Ami on ABC (Maybe!)

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000 20:41:05 +0100, Matthew Kille
<> wrote:

>Hi All,
>For those of you who can watch ABC, (I'm not one of them), you might (and I
>mean might) be able to spot the Ami SDK on a screen in the background of
>an item they are doing tonight, around 5:30pm EST.
>They were filming Professor Kevin Warwick, (my PhD supervisor), today and I
>managed to get him sitting in front of my machine, playing with freeball
>while they filmed various 'background' material. :)
>I don't know the exact time of the programme, or the exact channel, or what
>the programme is called. (Not much help am I?!)
>But, it's something to do with: the future, 21st century, cyborgs, chips
>impanted in arms and the department of Cybernetics...I hope that helps.

Thank You!!! Every little bit helps us all!!!

Gary Peake
Director Support
Amiga Inc.

Catch the Dream ... Amiga Dream Team

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