OpenAmiga (653/959)

From:Rady Marusa
Date:24 Aug 2000 at 22:25:37
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: ACommander

Hello Rudi,

RC> Running it with the f15t image:

RC> Hard coded breakpoint
RC> Elate parameter check:
RC> subroutine expecting p0 i0-i2 :i0
RC> caller gave p0 i0-i2 :-

RC> The problem seems to be a call to ave/avo/gdg/std/choice. It is highly
RC> recommended that programs be tested with the f15t image (the checking
RC> version) rather than f15.

Really yes. Thanks.

I had some trouble to launch f15t image - ebug reported missing
libncurses.5 or so. So I swapped "f15.img" and "f15t.img" files in
usr/lib/elate linux dir.


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