OpenAmiga (661/959)

From:Robert Konrad
Date:26 Aug 2000 at 01:33:48
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Ami Sound System ?

>> DLS is important, as this seems to be very similar to Paula.
>Isn't DLS "DownLoadable Sounds"? I.e. the format used to upload
>to the soundcard? How can a format be similar to a chip (Paula)?

Just this is it, what makes Paula special, it loads samples and uses
them to play the music. Now, that DLS is integrated in DirectX,
Windows can finally do this, too. It took them 15 years ;)
Unreal was out before DirectMusic and when you have a deeper look at
the CD, you will see a directory with lots of mp3 files. And every
file plays just an instrument. In the game the processor uses these
files to do the music. A chip with DLS and mp3 decoding support (like
vortex3) could have done this itself.

>BTW, after some modifications DLS2 has been merged into MPEG4, with
>the name of SASBF (Structured Audio Sample Bank Format). It's going
>to be
>hard to ignore MPEG4. ;)

So MPEG4 can do something similar to mod files? That's cool.

>> You should push for sound chips like Aureal's Vortex3 could have
>> been. mp3 and AC3 decoding and all of the A3Dv3 3D functions.
>I don't know A3D, but I know the audio team is working to get sound
>the way it should be and the way most others don't do it - i.e.

A3D does all this 3D stuff, f.e. sound reflections, the doppler
effect...and with v3 it seems to do allmost everything of this stuff.
Tell somebody of the sound team about this mailing list ("My life was
sad and boring before I subscribed to the AmiOpen mailing list").


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