OpenAmiga (668/959)

From:Matthew J Fletcher
Date:26 Aug 2000 at 09:46:28
Subject:RE: AMIOPEN: Ami Sound System ?


>>I don't know A3D, but I know the audio team is working to get sound done
>>the way it should be and the way most others don't do it - i.e. right.

As regards the sound subsystem for the new amiga i have a few buzzwords to
through around, i hope they are already in the spec (code ?), but here they are

Plugin modules for dsp effects that can either be be executed in hardware or
emulated in software (like opengl does), so games sound the same whatever sound
hardware you have, but with a reduction in performance. And of course an option
to turn them off...

Modules for speach2text and text2speach systems (both currently available under
gpl), available to the system (like MacOS 9), not just to programmers like the
old translator / narrator setup.

Support for multiple soundcards to increase the total number of channels
available and the number of dsp effects available to the system.

Hardware or software (emu) MIDI support, so that MIDI hardware can be used for
professionals and the midi sample set is emulated for the rest of us so that we
dont get silence.

I also think the AHI/ESD idea of a software mixer would be very appropriate so
that the audio sream can be re-directed to disk, or combined with other
channels, or have effects applied once it as left the application.

I dont really have to mention AC3, Surround Sound and full filetype support for
DVD Audio, Mpeg (1/2/3/4), and as many others as you can get done in time.

Please dont just ignore me, i am trying to help.


Matthew J Fletcher
Serck Controls Ltd Programming from PIC to Java ICQ amimjf 44193496
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