OpenAmiga (688/959)

From:Jesse McClusky
Date:26 Aug 2000 at 22:37:05
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Slightly OT - Kevin Warwick's ideas

(I'm posting this here because extremely-advanced technology *does*
concern the Amiga)

> From: "Victor I. Haaz" <>
> I've seen him first in a saturday night show. I can't really decide
whether he
> is just a scoop-hunting crowd-shocking showman, or sciencist, but a really
> crazy one. He claims the near(!) future is of the cyborgs, with half body
> artifical, and with (lots of) electronics implanted in their brains,
> thinking/emotions/etc. (in place of our own subconscious brain/mind, which
> is almost unknown yet, rather for people like him). And that this is
> evolution's next necessary step, already 10-20 years after.

I've actually been following his work off and on.
But my views on the subject also take into account human nature.
Cyborg technology will *always* be reserved to two groups of
people: those seen as "really out there" (the same crowd that
currently get 50 piercings and 50 tatoos each), and by the medical
community for severe cases. Borg-like technology will never
become popular with the general populous because humans have
a too well-defined sense of "self" to ever be entirely comfortable
with the idea. What I *do* think will happen is that once
technology advances far enough that non-intrusive versions
become practical, *those* will become mainstream.

BTW, did anyone catch the show and see if the Ami was visible?


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