OpenAmiga (690/959)

From:Rob Iacullo
Date:27 Aug 2000 at 00:01:59
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: quake & doom

>> How do I compile quake and doom (from ?

>> When I do "make -f demo/games/quake/makefile.external" it starts to
> compile
>> , but then it fails on vid_elate.c
>> The doom makefile is (almost) empty, so it does nothing at all.

>> Before i start messing with it myself,I'd like to know if i am
>> doing something wrong.
>> (after all, the files came from Tao, and I have seen quake and doom
>> on
> some
>> screenshots.)

> Sorry, I can't help with your problem - I can't find the quake and
> doom sourcess from Tao that you're referring to ;(

It's called "" is I remember correctly. You'd think it
would be called something more appropriate.

Rob Iacullo (Eagle)
President-AMiga Users Society Eastside
Team Amiga

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