OpenAmiga (715/959)

From:Daniel Adler
Date:27 Aug 2000 at 18:22:57
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Memory

On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, you wrote:
>how can I change the memory that intent_shell allocs for the
>amiga? (our 3D video effects need lots of mem :-)
>Bye, Andreas.

Hi Andreas,
did you try to play around with the /usr/lib/elate/elate - Elate Boot Program?

you can specify several settings for the _hosted_ standard memory allocator

-M<memsize> Initial memory size in Kb
-U<incsize> Memory increment in Kb
-X<maxsize> Maximum amount of memory to use in Kb

(/usr/lib/elate/elate -h for more info's)

so long,
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