OpenAmiga (725/959)

From:Gary Peake
Date:19 Aug 2000 at 17:27:34
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Elate UAE Problems

On Sat, 19 Aug 2000 11:37:13 +0100, "Matthew J
Fletcher" <> wrote:

>I have been missing my (now dead) amiga recently, so i built elate uae the only
>problem is that
>i cant get it to run, i only ever messed around with winuae before. So i dont
>have a propper
>working config file. Which may be the cause of the bellow ?
>Amiga 1.0:/app/uae-0.8.12$ uae
>AVE opentoolkit
>(prop=$4141b160), malloc
>get 16bit pixmap
>createdialog (toolkit=$41370060)
>[shell: child terminated due to unknown signal 8388607]
>Does anyone have a working config i can hack ?, or has got elate uae working ?
>Also i took the precaution of mirroing my amiga partitions to my linux box how
>i merge these into a large hardfile so i can use my (now emulated) amiga like
>i used to ?

Forwarded to Brian King of UAE fame. We'll see if he has an answer.

Gary Peake
Director Support
Amiga Inc.

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