OpenAmiga (738/959)

From:John Niclasen
Date:20 Aug 2000 at 10:29:45
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiga Faq-0-matic

"Ray A. Akey" wrote:
> "John Niclasen" <> wrote:
> > I'm wondering, what language(s) are used for the web
> > programming at Amiga Inc. Probably Perl? I've now been
> > programming in Rebol for more than a year, and I keep get
> > excited about it. It is really possible to do a lot in
> > Rebol with very little code, so the time is used better.
> The Amiga FAQ-O-Matic is written in Perl and is someonw else's work. My
> personal web programming is done using PHP as it is very c-like which suits
> me fine. :)
> As for REBOL, I've never used it since PHP does all I want or need.

Ok, I mention it, because Rebol really is a great and short-develop-time
language. I've programmed in C for more than 10 years and know quite a
few other languages, and my experience is, that Rebol is way ahead of
them when programming web-stuff or small utilities (I'm yet to do larger
projects in Rebol). I'm doing web-programming in Rebol with a friend of
mine. He had some doubt about Rebol, when we started, and thought we
should use Perl, PHP or ASP because so many use it. He has no doubt
anymore. I know it look a bit much to learn a whole new language, but
you will discover, that you can do very usefull things in a very short
time. So my advice is to developers to take a look at Rebol, if you can
find a little time.

Btw. I've done a Knowledge Database in Rebol/view. It can save knowledge
under keywords, you can search and send knowledge as E-mails. It has a
full GUI and runs on many platforms (including classic Amiga). If anyone
is interested, mail me privately on

That's all folks!
John Niclasen
Geomol on IRC.
Amiga FAQ: