OpenAmiga (740/959)

From:Marc Culler
Date:20 Aug 2000 at 21:46:40
Subject:AMIOPEN: Bug in strftime

With the "%z" format, /lib/strftime segfaults if given a date that falls
during the summer.

Try the code below. It will crash if you type in a number between 88 and 298:

- Marc Culler

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

int main(void)
time_t t;
struct tm *p;
int days;
char rfc822_zone[10];

puts("Enter a number of days since the epoch: ");
scanf("%d", &days);
t = (time_t)(days*24*3600);
p = localtime(&t);
printf("year: %d\n", 1900 + p->tm_year);
printf("month: %d\n", p->tm_mon);
printf("day: %d\n", p->tm_mday);

/* The call to strftime segfaults if the date falls in the summer! */

strftime(rfc822_zone, 10, "%z", p);
printf("rfc822 zone: %s\n", rfc822_zone);
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