OpenAmiga (752/959)

Date:21 Aug 2000 at 14:30:00
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiga tool inclusion...


>> As time for the official public (non SDK) release of the AmigaVP OS
>> draws near is Amiga going to be talking to developers about
>> including all the great software being written in the official
>> release, or will users need to download and install it as additional
>> software?

Draws near,.. ??, since when,. amiga still have not released any (amiga
written) code,.. the SDK is taos stuff,.. IRC ai are still 8 months into a
3 year plan.

>I hope the cram the cd as full as possible.

Allot of compainies are scared of putting other peoples work on
there 'offical' releases, i hope amiga are not one of them.

Amiga (this current one) dont have a track record of providing third party
software, eg a Linux Distro, JDK 1.1.6, linux developer tools... on there
CDs (the SDK), even in a clearly labeled 'not_suported_at_all' folder.

I hope they are more sensible next time.


Matthew J Fletcher
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