OpenAmiga (8/959)

From:Matthew J Fletcher
Date:1 Aug 2000 at 01:28:18
Subject:RE: AMIOPEN: New SDK

> >I don't really care about the platform the SDK runs on, I just am
> >frustrated that I have been unable to get my hands dirty like the rest
> >of "you all" [Texas version of the plural you, for those not familiar
> >with the coloquialism.] My recent efforts have been in the Java arena
> >(for the same reason I am excited about the SDK) and have some things I
> >want to port over. We all seem to have our favorite projects!
> Windows version will be out as soon as we can. We currently have three
> projects working simultaneously.

All these people screaming for a version of the SDK than runs under windows,
it makes me chuckle, what version 98/NT4/2000 ?, all basically incompatible
and with there own sets of bugs & weirdness.

Ok so you knock out a win98 version, then you get people wanting win2000, if
you make a vesion for 2000, why not OS/2, MacOS X, BeOS, RiscOS4, HPUX,
AIX, IRIX, DOS, CPM, TOS and the custom embedded OS that i use at work.

At what point should you forget about the SDK and concentrate on more
things, the Amiverse, BOOPS, OpenGL, Java1.3 ?

The only reason i can think of for a windows version is publicity, most of
windows dev tools (BorlandC, VisualC, Microtech) that i have used need to be
forced like there is no tomorrow to develop ANSI projects, there is poor
for the gnu/fsf software that is mostly being ported, and anybody who even
near windows sodding registry should be killed and disposed of securely to
any of the amigaos developers even thinking about using one.


Matthew J Fletcher
Serck Controls Ltd Programming from PIC to Java ICQ amimjf 44193496
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