OpenAmiga (827/959)

From:Stefan Robl
Date:29 Aug 2000 at 21:42:06
Subject:AMIOPEN: Quake, Doom & Tunnel - Impressive!

Hi Rudi,

Thank you for uploading the fixed versions of Quake, Doom and Tunnel!
It is *really* impressive, how fast they run on my machine!!

Approximately 28FPS under a PII-333 is (using software rendering and a rough
port) IMHO really not bad!!!

Everyone who doesn't believe, that the VP is a really fast thing should now
be able to proof it himself!

-> But there is one important question left:
When can we all expect the real (final?) GUI-System for the new Amiga?
When do we get sound-support?
And is there a newer version of vpcc than the one under the SDK

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


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