OpenAmiga (831/959)

From:Matthew Kille
Date:29 Aug 2000 at 19:47:12
Subject:AMIOPEN: sharing /device/pointer

Hi All,

How can I share an already open device? I expected a call to 'open' to
return a handle to the already opened device, but I just get "Access
Denied" (-2) type errors.

I want to get direct (read only) access to the mouse/pen drivers, as
normally opened when AVE starts.

The only way I've managed to get it to work is if I open another copy of
the device driver, under a different mount point:

"devstart /device/mypointer /dev/pen/linux/x"

This works, and allows me to read the data I require, but there must be a
proper way to do it...?


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