OpenAmiga (834/959)

From:Stefan Robl
Date:29 Aug 2000 at 23:17:59
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Quake, Doom & Tunnel - Impressive!

Hi Filip!
>> The resolution used is IMHO 320x240. But for this quick hack it is really
>> nice!
> To be honest.. on my Amiga PPC 604e 233mhz CVPPC quake in 320x256 runs
> over 30fps - it`s exactly how fast P166mmx with SVGA.
Please read also Rudi Chiarito reply.
I have made some speed measures and it is really true, that the
FPU-translation-code is really slow.
TAO had up to now no good reason to speed up the translator as Elate is was
used up to now only in embedded systems - and a x86-type CPU is much to
power-intensive to use it there... ;)

So what I think is, that - considering the current circumstances like
the unoptimized CPU-Translator, the lack of video-support and the really
roigh port of Quake - the whole stuff runs really fast!

My speed measures I made some time ago showed, that the Translator is when
calculating integer-data (not floating point!) is about 100% of the speed
than native code!
So now think of a optimized FPU-part, too... :-)


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