OpenAmiga (835/959)

From:Stefan Robl
Date:29 Aug 2000 at 23:23:46
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Quake, Doom & Tunnel - Impressive!

Hi Rudi!

> If you consider that (AFAIK) lines are plotted pixel by pixel by the CPU
> and, to make things worse, using generic C code, then things aren't that
> bad. Especially if you also consider that Quake (if Quake is what you're
> talking about) relies a lot on the FPU and the current translator isn't
> optimized at all for FP arithmetic.
Yes, it was Quake - and yes, the FPU-translation is really rather slow at
the moment - so it is not bad for now!

> That aside, though, 28 FPS aren't that many and there's a lot of room for
> performance improvements. Anyone willing to accept the challenge?
I'm sure, that there are some experts around who could do this... :)

>> -> But there is one important question left:
>> When can we all expect the real (final?) GUI-System for the new Amiga?
> When it's ready. ;)
Hmm... *please* check one of the following boxes:

[ ] within the next 2 or 3 weeks
[ ] within the next 2 or 3 months
[ ] within the next 2 or 3 years
[ ] never..


> Publically available, no. Next version of the SDK will sport improved
> compilers/tools/libraries. I can't tell you any dates, as it all depends
> on several factors.
Ok, sure. But when I look at the current Date, there is not much time left
until the planned deadline, isn't it?


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