OpenAmiga (857/959)

From:Gary Peake
Date:30 Aug 2000 at 16:35:55
Subject:AMIOPEN: Please read!

If possible, I need a postal address for everyone who has ported or built
any applications/tools/games/examples and posted them to CVS or the ftp
areas. If you are near completion of something you will be upping, please
save this email and forward to me once the file(s) is/are upped.

This isn't time dated, so feel free to keep a copy of the email if you are
working on a longer term project.

Please send the following info:

Dev ID:
Postal Address:

Apps Ported or written:

I have a little surprise for you all to show our appreciation.


Gary Peake
Director Support
Amiga Inc.

Catch the Dream ... Amiga Dream Team

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