OpenAmiga (860/959)

From:Sven Drieling
Date:30 Aug 2000 at 20:13:53
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Support product idea

Am Mon, 28 Aug 2000 schrieb Gary Peake:

Hallo Gary,

> Certification
> We will have a certification program for interested developers. No real
> details yet, but I am working on it. Basically it will include certifying
> applications and hardware through our QA dept and Dev Support. Once an
> app/hardware is certified, the developer gets access to the following:
> 4. Use of Trade Marks and Logos for certified apps and hardware

Does this mean that am not allowd to write "this software works with
AmigaNG v1.0+" if I dont have a certification???

What is an application? Is this any kind of software or is it for example
for BeOS not possible to get a certification for a BeOS version which is
running on top auf AmigaNG because BeOS is an OS and not an application
(= software like a wordprocessor).

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