OpenAmiga (878/959)

From:Gregory Roberts II
Date:31 Aug 2000 at 05:14:32
Subject:AMIOPEN: vpcc as a C++ compiler

Hi All,

I'm wondering if anyone out there is successfully using vpcc as a C++
compiler. I'd love to hear more about your experience.

I know of at least one problem regarding initializers has been reported
here. I've posted a couple of times on some problems I've had with
fstreams with almost no response. So I'm curious if anyone is
successfully using the thing, or should it be considered useless in C++
mode until the next release.

Unfortunately, my most portable code is in C++ (if portable code can
really be considered unfortunate...). Most of my pure C source is pretty
(Classic) Amiga specific and would take a lot more time to port over.
Learning vpasm seems like fun, but will also take some time to get into
and I'm anxious to get something working! Time is a precious commodity
when you have an almost 2-year old little Amigan running around. :-)

Anyway, since a technical posting didn't net me much response, I thought
I'd try a more personal approach. :-) If you're interested in the
details of the problems I'm having or wouldn't mind at least verifying
that I'm not just doing something dumb, feel free to e-mail.

Developing for Ami (Amiga OE)
"So the World May Know"
d'Amiga, A3000, A2000, A1200, A1000x2

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