OpenAmiga (886/959)

Date:31 Aug 2000 at 10:38:00
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: vpcc as a C++ compiler


>I'm wondering if anyone out there is successfully using vpcc as a C++
>compiler. I'd love to hear more about your experience.

Well i ported jikes which is written totaly in c++, its not simple code
either but seems (i am not c++ expert), to use all c++ facilities even
templates, and it built ok appart from some stuff missing from stdlibc++.

>I know of at least one problem regarding initializers has been reported
>here. I've posted a couple of times on some problems I've had with
>fstreams with almost no response. So I'm curious if anyone is
>successfully using the thing, or should it be considered useless in C++
>mode until the next release.

It did fall over on lclint with an internal error, which seems to have
been some kind of interal stack overflow (or simmilar) because it
happended on a really large 200k+ bison generated c++ file. But appart
from that it seems quite stable.


Matthew J Fletcher
Serck Controls Ltd
NPD Firmware

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