OpenAmiga (890/959)

From:Ole Friis Ostergaard
Date:31 Aug 2000 at 12:08:01
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Quake, Doom & Tunnel - Impressive!

Stefan Robl wrote:

> -> But there is one important question left:
> When can we all expect the real (final?) GUI-System for the new Amiga?
> When do we get sound-support?
> And is there a newer version of vpcc than the one under the SDK
> available?

And one that I'm interested in (although I neither have a Linux box nor
the SDK, and therefore am only a "Classic" developer): What's going on
in the memory protection area? Will we, after all, get MP in the final
Ami release?

Ole Friis �stergaard <>
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