OpenAmiga (891/959)

From:Jonas Gustavsson
Date:31 Aug 2000 at 12:47:32
Subject:VB: AMIOPEN: d'Amiga and XFree86 4.x

I dunno why this didn�t go through the first time so I send it over again

> After having (finally) received my new d'Amiga system, I was thinking
> about taking the plunge and putting on those new drivers for dual head.
> My understanding is that this requires the installation of the newest
> XFree86.
> My question is this: am I going to cause myself support nightmares by
> causing my d'Amiga to deviate from standard? :-)
It could, but I can hopefully help you out since I do it every weekend :)

I�m posting this here as there might be other people needing a hand, if there is
more problems don�t hesitate to contact me privately at

To update to a working XF4 with DRI enabled do the following:

Download the latest kernel you feel comfortable with(I use 2.4.0-test7 and will
move on to test 8 when available as there is a lot of work being done on the
Matrox kernel modules).

Download XFree4.01(the easiest part he he)

Log onto the CVS server at and get a fresh source of DRI

Download the source for the Matrox driver from�s under drivers).

Now for installing here�s a short rundown:

Install Xfree86 4.01

configure and install the kernel, don�t forget to enable AGP, I2C, Matrox acceleration
(and Dual head). You can also enable the DRI kernel modules but we�ll replace it with
the one from CVS anyway so it�s not necesary.

Now follow the compile guide at , but copy the HAL into the matrox
display driver section(from the Matrox driver source from, you will also
have to replace the older files from CVS with the Matrox Source(Might not be aplicable
anymore as they might have merged by now).
Now edit the host.def(mentioned in the compilation guide) and add:
#define UseMatroxHal yes
and optionaly:
#define VendorMatrox yes

When done with compilation and install(into /usr/XF86-main) copy the matrox DRI driver
(, matrox display driver(mga_drv.o) and kernel module(mga.o) into the the
correct positions(make backups if you�ve made a koko of the compile) reboot and it should
be working correctly :)

That�s it, if you have any Q�s I�ll be here all night(well morning realy but night sounds cool).


Jonas Gustavsson
3D Dev. Team / Support
Amiga Inc.

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