OpenAmiga (892/959)

From:Stefan Robl
Date:31 Aug 2000 at 13:30:21
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: !!! Amiga MPEG-Video Player !!!


>> One moment... I will do a benchmark...
>> Here we have the results:
>> 160x120: approx. 82 FPS (!)
>> 325x288: approx. 17 FPS
> What benchmark are you running? How many FPS do you get when you run this
> stuff natively on some other platform?
The values are the output of my AmigaMPEGPlayer at program end.
To test this natively on another platform you had to recompile the sources
in the included original_source directory to make a linux version.
I have not done it recently, but as far as I can remember I did it some
months ago - and it was about the same speed. I will check this later...

The only sure thing I can say is, that my 'Classic' Amiga version on PPC was
much slower... this was surely also caused by the context-switch problem....


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