OpenAmiga (894/959)

Date:31 Aug 2000 at 13:24:00
Subject:AMIOPEN: Benchmarking In General


I was reading the thread on SPEC benchmarks and i was wondering if Amiga
have any data available (stats) on the true performance of java / elate /
etc when it is run native ?

Its very well doing these tests hosted but i have a feeling that just when
they get started linux will swap out intent/elate and flush its buffers or
something, then give KDE some time and then mess around in general untill
its intent/elates turn to get some CPU time. Whereas if this was done
nativly this would not be a problem.

I hope thats the explintion for some of the poor performance`s from the
tests that have been run.


Matthew J Fletcher
Serck Controls Ltd
NPD Firmware

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