OpenAmiga (896/959)

From:Marco Frischkorn
Date:30 Aug 2000 at 13:57:10
Subject:AW: AMIOPEN: Support product idea

I think befor things grow up again...

I get things fixed with garys help and all is okay now!

Marco Frischkorn

> -----Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: []Im Auftrag von
> Martin Baute
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 31. August 2000 13:01
> An:
> Betreff: Re: AMIOPEN: Support product idea
> Hello Ray
> On 29-Aug-00, you wrote:
> > Can someone please translate this for me?
> Sure.
> > - CANCLE
> > 29.08.2000 | MrMarco
> Hi to all!
> Up front, a heartfelt thank-you to everyone of you who helped me until
> now with
> Regretfully, I have to make a sad announcement:
> 1. The will NOT appear
> 2. BATTLE will definitely be my only project for AMIGA
> Why?
> The reason is that some people at AMIGA and the subsidiaries like to
> put stones in my way. Obviously, there is no longer communication
> or talks between AMIGA Germany and AMIGA America, which could
> have saved me a lot of work and trouble with the,
> personally.
> Personally, I will withdraw from the AMIGA sector completely, save for
> My impression that AMIGA Inc. has no longer interest in us remaining users
> was much strengthened with the last e-mail from this direction. I am
> personally
> fed up, as I have put several day�s work info the,
> wrote to several people if there could be problems with it, and tried to
> make
> this thing go as well as possible.
> But it seems like, at AMIGA, they only see things if they are
> against their
> own
> ideas.
> Wasted time, with this I will turn towards the Windows area. I am only a
> number
> there, but at least I get what I need there!
> Regards,
> Marco Frischkorn
> Personal remark:
> Marco has been _very_ active, being the driving force behind the
> Amiga 4ever Project, and aquired a rather high profile here in Europe.
> There seem to be severe misunderstandings; Marco is a valuable
> person, IMHO, and shouldn�t be left leaving like that.

Can anyone send this mail to my boss?

I want to ask him for more money the next month! :-)

Thanx Martin! That feels really good!


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