OpenAmiga (901/959)

From:Gregory Roberts II
Date:31 Aug 2000 at 16:13:35
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: vpcc as a C++ compiler

Hi Matthew,

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000 wrote:

> Hi,.
> >I'm wondering if anyone out there is successfully using vpcc as a C++
> >compiler. I'd love to hear more about your experience.
> Well i ported jikes which is written totaly in c++, its not simple code
> either but seems (i am not c++ expert), to use all c++ facilities even
> templates, and it built ok appart from some stuff missing from stdlibc++.

Cool! Nice to know it at least will work sometimes. :-) Don't be
surprised to hear from me if I have more specific questions on your usage.
You just got yourself branded a vpcc in C++ mode expert in my book. :-)

> It did fall over on lclint with an internal error, which seems to have
> been some kind of interal stack overflow (or simmilar) because it
> happended on a really large 200k+ bison generated c++ file. But appart
> from that it seems quite stable.

That might be the "constructor" problem I'm thinking of. I thought it had
something to do with calling constructors with other than default (or no)

I've gotten some other e-mail from the list that sheds some light on the
problems I was having. I'll know more tonight when I get home from work.

Thanks for letting me know about your experiences. I'm feeling more
encouraged about vpcc than I have since I first tried compiling with it.

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