OpenAmiga (937/959)

From:Patrick Roberts
Date:1 Sep 2000 at 12:52:27
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: pthread.h wrote:
> Hi,.
> >> I know that the SDK is has the pthread functions, but where's the
> >> pthread.h C header file?
> >
> >Does it really have the pthread_ calls? I tried 'help pthread_create' and
> >got no response, and since the pthread.h is missing I thought that the
> >POSIX API just isn't there...
> I am not sure but i think there is no pthread support, elate does have all
> the thread functions you could ever need, but thay have a diffrent naming
> convention and would need re-working with a pthread wrapper to get a POSIX
> thread API.
> But i could be wrong, it only looked quickly a few months ago.

I don't know for sure either... I'm only assuming it does as the
/lang/cc/include/g++/stl*.h files use the pthreads mutexes...but just
including stl.h doesn't compile.


> regards
> ---
> Matthew J Fletcher
> Serck Contols Ltd
> NPD Firmware
> ---
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