WarpUp (19/55)

From:Thomas Koerner
Date:14 Jul 2000 at 08:50:37
Subject:Antwort: Re: Replace 040 on the CSPPC to an 060 !

Hello Svein!
I don't know how the jumpers named on the A3000, but look in the near of
the Slot where the CSPPC fits and search for a jumper-pair ( 2 Jumpers on
a 3 pin connector) marked with INT/EXT and change both to the other
Possible more in the A3000-Manual?

Greetings, Thomas

Svein Ingve Wik <svein.ingve.wik@c2i.net>
Gesendet von: owner-warpup-list@haage-partner.com
13.07.2000 19:31
Bitte antworten an warpup-list

An: warpup-list@haage-partner.com
Thema: Re: [warpup] Replace 040 on the CSPPC to an 060 !

Hello Thomas

On 13-Jul-00, you wrote:
> Did you changed the INT/EXT-Jumpers on the Motherboard while changing

No, I didn't. Do you know which jumpers I have to change (A3000D)?


Svein Ingve