Developer Support Personnel
Gary peake
Gary has used and beta tested on most Commodore and Amiga computers from the vic-20 to the a3000. his organizational, design, and testing skills will be a valuable asset to providing a unique, forward looking online developer support system that will set many "firsts" in the computer industry. and his association with team amiga will enable amiga inc. to provide a valuable multi-national scope to amiga developer support. gary has many years of experience with online web applications and will utilize his experience to provide an evolving developer support structure that will grow with us and our amiga developers. Gary is also a current member of the 3d development team.
Gary will host our first Amiga devcon in St. Louis on Friday March 31st and will be there to answer questions on an individual basis through april 2nd. the full program details will not be announced until then, but all developers wishing more information should contact gary peake at .
Ray a. Akey
Ray is the creator of Cnet BBS for the Amiga Classic and has been
programming for the Amiga for a number of years. Ray's understanding of all areas of product development from concept to coding to testing to finished product gives us a unique look at all areas of amiga developer support needs. ray's experience with internet application programming will prove extremely helpful for the future of the amiga. ray will also be assisting in maintaining some of the online systems we will employ. Ray currently lives in Canada.
G'o'tz ohnesorge
G'o'tz is one of the most aware Amigans in dealing with cutting edge products and issues. he has been an amiga user since they were first available. g'o'tz is a quick study on high-end multimedia and new technologies. his expertise in getting the facts quickly and succinctly
will aide us in all areas of developer support. He will be assisting in keeping information current and available for new developers in the several online systems we will be providing. g'o'tz's knowledge of several languages will help the new amiga developer support system to be truly multi-national. he is a current member of the amiga 3d development team, as well. G'o'tz currently lives in Germany.
Jonas Gustavsson