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(Answer) (Category) Amiga Inc. Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Amiga SDK FAQ :
Is there a bug in GCC and thus VPCC regarding class initialization?
The following code will not run under the SDK.  It crashes with the following error:

[shell: child terminated due to signal 7: SIGSEGV: Invalid memory access]

Here is the code taken from 'Learn C++ in 21 Days'.

//Listing 6.4

#include iostream.h

class Cat {
    Cat(int initialAge);
    int GetAge();
    void SetAge(int age);
    void Meow();
    int itsAge;

Cat::Cat(int initialAge)


itsAge = initialAge;




int Cat::GetAge()




void Cat::SetAge(int age)


itsAge = age;


void Cat::Meow()


cout << "Meow.\n";


int main()


Cat Frisky(5);


cout << "Frisky is a cat who is " << Frisky.GetAge() << " years old.\n";



cout << "Now Frisky is " << Frisky.GetAge() << " years old.\n";



The line from main() 'Cat Frisky(5);' is where the problem lies.  It seems the initialization of 5 is never executed, or the whole constructor is never called.
I compiled the same program using g++, I get almost the same result in that the code will run, however the first use of the GetAge() method returns a huge number, decidely NOT 5.

I also compiled the code under SAS/C++ and Codewarrior for Windows.  Both worked as expected.
As there seems to be no one from Amiga giving answers to all the questions in this faq, i tell You what I found out: Did You try the Compiler Option -fno-exceptions ? This did help in my case! As mentioned in the manuals, the C++ Exceptions still have bugs! And these bugs seem to be of bigger nature...
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stricq, robert.kocher
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