To add a question, choose a relevant category, then select the `Add a new answer in "XXX"' from the bottom of that page.
The first time you do this, you'll need to register (which basically means supplying your email address). You will be given instructions which take you through that.
Once you have registered, come back to this `Add new answer ...' stage again,
login, and enter a short version of your question (this will appear as your question's title, in bold) -- it should be around twelve words or less. Submit your changes when you are happy with that.
If that about covers it, then you are done - just select `Back' in your browser until you get back to the list of questions, then select refresh to see your new question. If your question is more complex than one line will allow, you can ask your question in more detail now. Select `Submit Changes' when you are finished.
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