Get the SDK
(Answer) (Category) Amiga Inc. Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Amiga SDK FAQ :
Is there a public repository for Amiga (Elate) software?
I am the owner of a site not connected to Amiga Inc. that hosts links projects, applications, tutorials and demos for Amiga software (and other platforms as well - except for Windows). It should soon be able to accept uploads so that your software can, as an option, be uploaded to the site where users can download directly, in the event that you do not have a site or cannot find a hoster.

The site is called ProjectBase. Click here to go directly to the site.

Please remember that this site has no relation to Amiga Inc. other than my mention of it here. If you find a problem with the site, email, and not Amiga Developer Support.

Ray A. Akey / Amiga Developer Support
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