When you run intent_shell or intent_media in an directory which contains a file "xxx" and then do an ls, you suddenly see a lot more files and directories. The Ami system currently uses a virtual, non-modifiable filesystem which is overlaid over the directory in which you started Ami. So when you list the contents of Ami's root directory, you will see all the files of Ami's root directory as well as all files in the directory where you started Ami (in the example, you will also see a file "xxx").
If there is a file with the same name on both sides, the file on the Linux side will take precedence. If you edit a file on the Ami side, then it will be silently copied to the Linux side (creating all necessary directories) and then modified on the Linux side. This allows for a one-level Undo: Since you cannot change any files which comes with Ami, all you have to do is to delete the file on the Linux side (outside of Ami) and you will see the original Ami file again.
digulla, ray |