Get the SDK
(Answer) (Category) Amiga Inc. Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Amiga SDK FAQ :
Setup tries to generate an System ID but comes up ***UNAVAILABLE***
I've now bought the new SDK package and wanted to install it on a
PIII 350
Asus P3-S Mainboard
S3 Savage4 Pro
Surecom EP-312-V Network card
and Red Linux V8

When the Setup tries to generate an System ID all I get is ***UNAVAILABLE***

Stefan Gebhart

First, you need to make sure the network card is installed and working under Linux. See the networking HOW-TO at

Once the NIC is working under Linux, the Amiga SDK shouldn't have a problem accessing it to generate a SystemID.

P.S. What is Red Linux 8? Amiga officially recommends Redhat Linux 6.1 for use with the Amiga SDK.

Ray Akey / Amiga Developer Support

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stefan.gebhart, ray
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