The Amiga Foundation Layer |
With the
impending first release of the Software Development Kit (SDK), we will be
launching the first new Amiga product in over 5 years. The SDK will provide
all the software elements required to develop for the new Amiga. We want to
share with you some of the features and concepts our pathfinding developers
will encounter, some insight into why Amiga has made some of its choices, and
some idea of where we intend to go over the short, medium and long terms. The
Amiga has always been about enjoyment, and its secret weapon has always been
the smile. Too often these days people and technology collide in a multiple
pile-up of confusion, frustration and frowns, whether it be someone wanting
to record a program, add a new purchase to their house or developing a new
audio codec. The
eastern philosophy of Taoism teaches the principle of Wu Wei, which is
(poorly) translated as effortless effort. This has always been and will
continue to be the guiding principle of the Amiga philosophy--the creation of
products that empower the user, customer and developer while being highly
tuned to the tasks that they want to perform. They are thus able to do what
they want to do without having to concern themselves with the underlying
system. Because they are able to succeed in what they want to do, they find
themselves smiling. The flow
of Tao into the Amiga is now more than just a philosophical reference. We
looked at many potential partners and technologies before finally settling on
the provider of the Amiga Foundation Layer. At issue was ensuring that we
found a product that matched our very different technical and cultural view
of the digital future. Since we see part of the problem as originating in
traditional architectures, it was very important to us that we picked a
partner who not only saw the future as we see it but who "walked the
walk" as well as they "talked the talk;" in other words, a
partner who not only got the future but who had built a product designed for
that future. |
The Tao
Group's story starts with Chris Hinsley, a games developer throughout the
1980s, the golden age of the home computer. He would develop a game for the
Amiga, then be asked to port it to the Atari ST or to the PC. After one or
two ports it occurred to Chris that there had to be a better way, so he began
experimenting. First he came up with a heavily macroed assembler; this soon
evolved into something more--A virtual processor that could be simply and
quickly implemented on top of multiple CPU families to provide the holy grail
of software development: Binary portability without sacrificing high
performance or memory efficiency, both prerequisites given the specification
of hardware in his market space. With
such a cutting edge concept Chris was able to attract a lot of talented
developers, and from the virtual processor rolled out other powerful
features, including effective dynamic binding and transparent multiprocessing
capabilities. This was rolled into TAOS, introduced to most of us for the
first time in the excellent Byte article by Dick Pountain
<http://www.byte.com/art/9407/sec6/art1.htm>. That was
five years ago. Since then the Tao Group has been improving, adding to and
spreading its product. Its second-generation is called intent, and
combines a wealth of functionality that includes a series of multimedia
libraries and the intent Java Technology Edition. The latter is fully
Sun certified and the first implementation of the PersonalJava specification.
It is this product we have selected to be the Amiga Foundation Layer. The core
of the Amiga Foundation Layer (AFL from now on) and of the whole new Amiga
architecture is the Virtual Processor. As befits something that is virtual,
it doesn't actually exist. It is an abstraction to which source code can be
compiled to create binaries. The virtual processor is a 32 bit little endian
RISC processor which provides 5 banks of registers: integer (i0-i(n) - 32
bit), long (l0-l(n) - 64 bit), float (f0-f(n) - 32 bit), double (d0-d(n) - 64
bit) and pointer (p0-p(n) - 32 bit). The developer accesses these registers
using the macro assembler language VP, which assembles into VP Code, the
binary portable object code. VP Code
has been designed to allow the developer to take the small instruction set
and grow it into powerful expression trees, giving the benefit of compact
binaries while also allowing for the application of powerful optimization
techniques. VP provides not only register and memory access through the basic
instruction set but also provides a rich and powerful set of macros covering
assignment, condition, iteration and some higher level functionality that
will be instantly familiar to C programmers. Most
attempts at the creation of portable binaries have ended up sacrificing
portability for speed through the use of interpreters. |
VP Code
is NOT interpreted. It follows the same pipeline from source to machine code
as do compiled architectures, with a single modification: It stretches the
pipeline and inserts VP Code between the compiler back end and the creation
of native (i.e. CPU specific) machine code. VP Code thus becomes the
distributable rather than the native machine code. The
final piece of the compilation pipeline takes place not on the developer's
machine but on the user's machine. When the user process requires that piece
of code be executed, the VP Code is loaded and compiled dynamically into the
machine code of the host processor. This native machine code, which is then
executed, providing the same speed as classic compiled code... And sometimes
more. How is
that possible? VP Code has been designed to be as small as possible, and
often the VP version is much smaller than the native code version. While
there is the obvious overhead of translating VP Code to machine code, this is
much less than the overhead of reading the larger machine code version from
storage (perhaps a hard drive). Adding to this the fact that the translators
themselves are often less than 100K in size (and therefore stay in the cache
on many processors), and when the total cost equation is calculated, the VP
Code solution is often faster. Because
it is translated dynamically on the target environment, VP Code can make
intelligent decisions in real time--something far beyond the scope of
traditional architectures, which must prepare a general distributable and add
code for all possible variants. For example, the translator may take the VP
Code and generate different machine code versions on an i386 system as
opposed to a Pentium system because the translators for each are smart enough
to provide optimizations. Thus the
path from development to execution is:
Java is compiled into Java byte code, which is translated at load time into
3. |
Amiga advantage is thus both binary portability and speed. What was always
seen as a compromise can now be a dual benefit. The more
perceptive of you may have seen a potential flaw in this architecture. If you
have to translate a whole library or class every time it is required, then
the overhead will be tremendous. The answer to this question leads nicely
into another key feature of the Amiga Foundation Layer, one with which VP
programmers will become very familiar. The AFL
utilizes a tool-based architecture. A tool is a small piece of code that
performs a single operation. To understand this better, consider classic C or
C++ development, which leads to the creation of libraries, each containing a
set of functions, or to the creation of classes, each containing a set of
methods. When VP is used, libraries and classes are replaced by a set of
tools, one for each function or method. Thus, the AFL provides a very finely
grained environment with tools often fitting into less than a kilobyte of
memory and enabling toolkits (sets of tools targeted at a specific functional
area) to offer a lot of power in a small size. For instance, the standard
kernel is 62 KB, the AVE is 152 KB, the complete ANSI/POSIX library is 80KB
and the Pentium translator is 88KB. When a
tool is called, the AFL first checks to see if it is already available in
memory as a previously translated tool. If it is, then execution flows
directly into it, otherwise the tool is pulled from storage, translated and
then placed as a native executable into memory. The advantage of this dynamic
binding is clear. Not only can targeting be done at run time using state information,
but the AFL only has in memory the tools it needs. Compared to this
granularity, the loading of an entire library or class just to use a few
functions or methods seems positively archaic. Those
who asked the first question may now ask a second question: "Ahh, if
this virtual processor is so portable, what about processor specific features
such as AltiVEC, SSE or 3DNow? The virtual processor doesn't know about
them." Well, not only do the translators have the intelligence built into
them to be able to take advantage of these extra instructions, but a
developer can code both a VP Code tool for general release and then a native
tool, both with the same name and providing the same function. If a
particular tool is called, then the system will first look for a native tool
specific to that system (which of course requires no translation and is
optimized to that system) and only if one isn't available will it utilize the
default VP Code tool. The AFL does this by using the naming convention,
toolname.nn where nn represents a specific processor target and 00 represents
the virtual processor.
have a name, an entry point, one or more exit points and their own set of
registers, and are fully re-entrant. There are two type of tools: Main tools
and secondary tools. Main tools are directly startable, and secondary tools
are callable only from a main or another secondary tool. |
One of
the strengths of the Amiga Foundation Layer is that it fully supports both
static and dynamic binding. Static binding is provided through the SYSGEN
utility and is mainly used for compiling to embedded systems, where all
references are known before time. For the Amiga Foundation Layer, we will
concentrate on using dynamic binding. This is where tools are loaded as they
are referenced and it can happen either when a process starts or when another
tool makes a call. In general, the binder performs this function. Tools
call each other via qcalls or quick calls, of which there are 3 types. 1.
qcall - the referenced tool is found at load time and the calling tool is
fixed up so that execution jumps directly to the called tool's entry point.
This is the fastest possible call. The tool remains in memory until the
calling tool is removed.��������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� 2.
qcall - at bind time, the calling tool is fixed up to call a kernel function
with the name of the tool required. At run time, the kernel function finds
the referenced tool, loads it and then calls it. The referenced tool is
de-referenced when the call returns. This is slower than a straight qcall but
is very efficient on memory.��������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������� 3.
+ Fixup qcall - at bind time, the calling tool is fixed up to call a kernel
function with the name of the tool required. At run time, the kernel function
finds the referenced tool, loads it and then calls it. The tool then remains
in memory for further calls. Thus, the first call is as slow as a virtual qcall
on its first call but as fast as a normal qcall on subsequent calls. Tools
are the building blocks of the Amiga Foundation Layer and of applications
written for the new Amiga. At run time, they are accessed via processes and
threads. A process is a set of threads and a thread is a route through the
code in a set of tools. This is different from the common UNIX model and care
should be taken to understand the difference. In the
AFL, processes are very lightweight and memory efficient. Threads can share
system resources such as the file table, the signal table, etc., but they are
effectively just processes with some additional attributes. In addition,
process sovereignty is not enforced; thus processes running on the same
processor can access one another's data. |
We at
Amiga feel that memory protection is an overhead that punishes good code
because bad code exists, and this is an attitude that is becoming
increasingly prevalent. Indeed, the classic Amiga lasted for 15 years without
any memory protection at all and has been praised as one of the most stable
systems ever created, a credit to both the system and the developers
themselves. Instead
of placing this overhead on the system, we intend to push it up to its
rightful place; at the code level itself. Protection should be at the
language level, giving a choice of safe and unsafe languages. Those who are
comfortable writing in unsafe languages such as VP and C should be able to
take advantage of the extra speed and features. Those who aren't should use a
"safe" language such as Java, or restrict their development to
those niches where stability is a secondary consideration Amiga
foresees markets for both digital consumers who want stable systems with
software that works safely, and pathfinders who like to get down and dirty
with the best system possible and consider the occasional instability a price
worth paying. We will
thus work hard to promote VP as our system level language of choice, but will
encourage the use of Java as the safe development language. This does not
mean that those who use Java will be restricted to Java. Far from it, in fact.
Not only is the Tao Group's J-Engine one of the fastest personal Java
implementations in existence but it also offers a very fast and lightweight
JNI solution. Thus, all of the functionality written in VP will be made
available to the Java developer through Amiga packages. So, for
our digital consumer markets, we will closely monitor who is allowed to
develop in VP,
while offering Java as the safe development environment for all. For our
pathfinder markets, users are free to develop and use any applications they
like in any language they like with the caveat "Buyer beware!" The
advantages of Java are already well documented and, over the last two years,
the disadvantages have grown fewer to the point where it is now a very safe,
powerful and simple language to use. With the special Amiga packages that we
will create to encapsulate our system level functionality, Java developers no
longer have to be the poor relatives. |
advantages of VP should hopefully be apparent. While it is an assembler level
language it is far more than just assembler, and a good C developer will feel
at home in a very short time. Its chief advantages over other languages are
simple. It is blazingly fast and it is the language that the Amiga Foundation
Layer speaks. There is a learning curve, as there is with any language, but
our development team and those who have been kind enough to test the AFL for
us have gone from pain to pleasure in a very short time. Of course C is also
provided via the GNU compiler but this simply compiles source down into VP
Code anyway. Why buy TV dinners when you can cook yourself? We see the C
route as being used primarily as a porting and learning path, with developers
turbo charging their applications via VP. Since C programs can call VP tools
and vice versa, this will become a powerful feature for accessing the AFL
functionality as it grows. We at
Amiga are as excited as those thousands of developers out there who have been
emailing us constantly for the last 4 months asking us when they can get hold
of the new Amiga. Indeed, a recent semi official poll on the Be website
asking what system developers want to get their hands on next found the new
Amiga the clear winner. We are excited because we are all standing together
at the beginning of a new path, a new adventure, just as the original Amiga
team was in 1985. There is a lot more to do, a lot to build and a lot of work
involved but it is also going to be a lot of fun, and we are going to do it
together. As a
teaser, we are pleased to present the famous but slightly modified Hello
World program in VP in such a form that you can code it when you get your SDK
home and have it installed on your development machine. The first
thing that you will notice is that we are shipping the SDK with the Amiga
Foundation Layer running on top of Linux. Why? Ignoring the fatuous answer,
"because we can," Linux at the present time provides a far richer
driver and applications base for developers. While we are looking forward to
Amiga native products appearing soon, we feel it would have been intensely
cruel to limit developers to VI and clawhand syndrome. |
But why
can we? Because the AFL allows for multiple levels of abstraction. Not only
can it sit on top of multiple processor families, it can also sit painlessly
on top of other operating systems and provide added value to them while
taking advantage of features within that host OS. Yes, there is a penalty,
and we are looking forward to creating our first pure Amiga system, but as an
exercise in demonstrating the flexibility of our foundation layer, it
succeeds admirably. A point
I should make is that the AFL can run either on its own on top of hardware
(the pure version), as an OS on top of another underlying OS with only the
AFL visible (dedicated hosted), or as an application on top of another OS
(application hosted), in which case you can use both the host OS and the AFL
at the same time. For the SDK we are shipping the AFL as an application. I have
been using PFE as an editor in Linux to type my programs. The AFL uses a
mirrored filing system that allows the Linux filing system to see the Amiga
file system and so on. To create my Hello World program, I simply wrote the
following VP program and saved it into my developer directory within the
Amiga file system. See Figure 1. As you
can see we have an include file for the VP macros as the first line. Then we
define the tool proper, in a tool/toolend structure. In the tool initiation
statement we give the tool location and name, the language it is in (VP), the
fact that it is a main tool, the stack size and a global data area size. The next
statement defines the entry point, the registers to be passed in and the
registers to be passed out. Multiple values can pass in and out, providing a
lot of flexibility for the system. Remember that each tool gets its own bank
of registers specifically for it, as can subroutines within tools (but that
is a more advanced feature). In this example, nothing is passed in or out. Then we
have 3 loops and some pretty standard code that should warm the hearts of C
developers everywhere. (i0) is the first integer register, and we can have as
many as we like. VP also supports register naming, where (i0) could be called
(count) for added readability. Finally,
a tool must always have at least one exit point as specified by the ret
command. With
this program saved in the Amiga file system as /demo/example/HelloAmiga.asm,
I can flip to the Amiga shell and do the following. See Figure 2. As you
can see, most of this is pretty self-explanatory. (-v) on the assembler (asm)
gives the verbose mode, and writes out demo/example/HelloAmiga.00. Remember,
the (.nn) represents the processor family, with 00 meaning that my tool is
targeted at the virtual processor. It's as easy as that. In one fell swoop, I
now have a tool I can run on any processor for which there is a VP translator
(over 20 and counting).
this example will mean that anyone buying the SDK will be able to get at
least one new Amiga program running. Of course, this isn't the full extent of
our developer support program. Gary Peake, our director of developer support
is constructing a comprehensive set of resources including web resources,
forums and technical books. We encourage all developers to register, take
advantage of, and more importantly become a part of the new Amiga developer
community. |
1 .include
'taort' tool
'demo/example/HelloAmiga',vp,f_main,8192,0 ;tool written in vp, main tool,
stack size,global data
-:- for
5,i0 printf
"Hello World, Amiga is back !!! (%d)/n",i0 next
i0 cpy.i
5,i0 while
i0 != 0 printf
"Hello World, Amiga is back !!! (%d)/n",i0 dec.i
i0 endwhile cpy.i
5,i0 loop breakif
i0 == 0 printf
"Hello World, Amiga is back !!! (%d)/n",i0 sub
1,i0 endloop ret toolend
2 Amiga0.1:/$ Amiga0.1:/$
cd /demo/example$
Amiga0.1:/demo/example$ Amiga0.1:/demo/example$
ls H* HelloAmiga.asm Amiga0.1:/demo/example$
asm �v /demo/example/HelloAmiga Elate
Assembler 2.93
demo/example//demo/example/HelloAmiga.asm Written
212 bytes to demo/example/HelloAmiga.00 Amiga0.1:/demo/example$
World, Amiga is back !!! (5) Hello
World, Amiga is back !!! (4) Hello
World, Amiga is back !!! (3) Hello
World, Amiga is back !!! (2) Hello
World, Amiga is back !!! (1) Hello
World, Amiga is back !!! (5) Hello
World, Amiga is back !!! (4) Hello
World, Amiga is back !!! (3) Hello
World, Amiga is back !!! (2) Hello
World, Amiga is back !!! (1) Hello
World, Amiga is back !!! (5) Hello
World, Amiga is back !!! (4) Hello
World, Amiga is back !!! (3) Hello
World, Amiga is back !!! (2) Hello
World, Amiga is back !!! (1) Amiga0.1:/demo/example$
ls H* HelloAmiga.00���� HelloAmiga.asm Amiga0.1:/demo/example$ |
We know
that we won't succeed on our own, or by telling developers what they can and
cannot do. We will only succeed in partnership. We are
on a new adventure. There is much here already, and more to come: Full audio,
streaming, 3D, some great partner announcements and a pure system. In
addition, there is our next generation architecture, codenamed Amie, which is
being built as we speak and which will, we hope, be an important player in
the digital world of tomorrow. We look
forwards to working with you, playing with you, and smiling with you. Fleecy
Moss (VP Technology) on behalf of the whole Amiga Team, Amiga
Inc, Snoqualmie, Washington