Previous Amiga Active CDs

Amiga Active comes complete with a high quality cover CD. As you would expect, the AACDs are crammed full with a wide variety of quality software, games, graphics and sounds. However, our CDs aren't just a collection of files attached to the front of the magazine - instead, the AACDs form an integral part of the Amiga Active experience.

The Amiga Active CDs are far more closely integrated with the magazine than has been the case with cover discs before. The content of the magazine is complimented by further material on the CD. Additional information, relevant websites, demo versions of software and games, extra screenshots -whatever is needed to make each article as informative and useful as possible.

The interface to the CD is as new and refreshing as the rest of the magazine. Including feature material on the CD opens up new possibilities for a truly interactive magazine. You can run programs and demos from within the text accompanying a feature or review, for instance.

With a wealth of useful information, the Amiga Active CDs are a genuinely useful resource. The only reason you will have for removing one from your CD-ROM drive will be to replace it with the following month's.

We welcome submissions for the CD.

Getting hold of Amiga Active

The best way of getting hold of Amiga Active is to subscribe. You can take out a subscription in a number of ways, including online. See the subscriptions section of our web site for more information.

If you just want to order an individual issue, you can do so direct from us, either by using the form in the magazine, telephoning us on +44 (0)1202 296293 or filling in the backissues section of this online form.

Should you have trouble obtaining the magazine from your newsagent each month, please fill in this coupon and hand it to your newsagent.

If you still have problems getting hold of the magazine, please e-mail us with a few details: The newsagent's name and address, and if possible the name of their supplier and their box number (each newsagent has one - just ask them).