11 Jul 1999 |
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Reaction to Amiga's Linux Announcement |
So, Amiga have chosen to base their AmigaSoft Operating Environment on a Linux kernel. Why would they do that, and what implications could it have for the Amiga's future? We take a close look at what the Linux announcement will mean - with a few clarifications, some interesting speculation and opinion from Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux. It could be a mistake to jump to any negative conclusions until a much fuller picture emerges over the coming weeks, and our special news feature will help you to put the events of the last few days into perspective. |
11 Jul 1999 |
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Concept Drawings of the Next Amiga |
Here, in all their high-resolution glory are the pictures of Pentagram's design sketches for the next generation Amiga. |
10 Jul 1999 |
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WoA Tickets Winner |
Thanks to all those who have filled in our first survey so far. At the end of June, we picked a name at random to be the lucky recipient of a pair of tickets to this year's World of Amiga show in London. Find out if it's you by reading the full story! |