Thanks for checking out this survey, and, I hope, for filling it in. The purpose of this questionnaire is simple - we want to find out what you think makes the Amiga what it is. Do you believe that nothing is more important to defining an Amiga than the screen dragging? The right mouse button menus? The custom chipset? Or is it the community and the Aminet? If someone produces a next generation Amiga that takes a minute to boot, will you think it captures the Amiga spirit? The key to this is defining what makes the Amiga experience. The hardware issue is a debate that has largely been settled now, and it is agreed that we have no choice but to move on. This inevitably means that the OS will move on too. It is how much of the feel of the Amiga experience is carried over to the new OS that is important. What we want to know is which elements of the user experience make the Amiga what it is? We will, of course, make the results of this survey available to anyone planning a next generation Amiga who wants it! That's everything. Thank you very much for taking the time to fill in this survey. |