Time for a Change?

Amiga Active is a magazine that knows what it wants to be. We have styles, standards and principles on the use of space which we believe gives Amiga Active the best balance of ocntent and greatest amount of real information. However, we also recognise that the Amiga market is changing, which means that we have to keep a constant eye on what content is most wanted.

Thus, to ensure that we are using our page space to serve you, our readers, best, we'd appreciate it if you could take a few moments to fill in this survey. If you provide us with your name and address, you'll also be entered into a prize drawer to win one of three Amiga Active t-shirts!

Many thanks in advance for giving us your feedback,
The Amiga Active team.

Your Details

Name: (required)  
Postal Address:
(You must enter your address to be
entered into the drawer for one of three
Amiga Active t-shirts!)
Email Address:

Your Feedback

User Groups

  I'd like a User Group listings page in the magazine.
  I prefer a searchable user group database on the CD.

Game Tips

  Include a monthly collection of game tips on the CD.
  Print game tips in the magazine.

Classified Ads

  I like the Amibench thing on the CD as it is.
  Keep it all on the CD, but include postal ads.
  Print a small ads section in the magazine as well.

Other Features

Is there a particular column or feature you really miss?
Please score each of the following from 1-4 where:

1 = "I hope I never see it."
2 = "I'm not that interested."
3 = "Yeah, give it a go."
4 = "I'd love to see AA run it."
  1 2 3 4
Personality Profiles / Mini Interviews     
A comic strip or cartoon     
CD contents pages in the mag as well as on CD     
Reader's Art Gallery     
Reader's Games Pages     
Long multi-part tutorials on a single subject     
Monthly on-line opinion polls     
Software Sales Chart     
Round-table discussions     
New Releases / Upcoming products watch     
Events Diary     
Reviews Index     


Any comments?

Please use the space below to mention anything else you think we should add to the Amiga Active mix.

Thank you very much for taking the time to fill in this survey. T-shirt winners will be announced in a future issue of the magazine.

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