The near future |
![](images/blob.gif) |
Results as HTML E-Mail, and hotlinked
plain text E-Mail. |
![](images/blob.gif) |
Sort results page by cliking column
headings. |
![](images/blob.gif) |
Display the exact date of file upload
on results page. |
The not-so-near future |
![](images/blob.gif) |
A personalised preferences system. This
will require you to enable cookies on your browser. |
![](images/blob.gif) |
Support for multiple languages. |
![](images/blob.gif) |
Compressed results file download using
Lha. For the same reasons as Aminet itself, we can't implement LZX
compression until there's a UNIX version available! |
A long way in to the future |
![](images/blob.gif) |
Smart caching and asynchronous I/O to
dramatically reduce the load times of multi-page searches. |
![](images/blob.gif) |
Local client version a la ADT. |