Since 1st July 1999

Registration Form

Beofre you become a member, we need to gather some information about you. This helps us develop better games and adds securtiry to the members website. This information will be kept secret, and unless you state otherwise, no unsolicted mail will be sent to you

About You
* Your Real Name * Your E-Mail
Male or Female Your Age
Male Female
* Country of Origin * Prefered Language
About Your Amiga(s)
* How many Amigas do you have? * What is your primary Amiga?

* In your primary Amiga, what processor do you have?

* Do you have a graphics card?

If your answer was NO, are you likely to buy a graphics card in the next 8 months?

What RTG Software do you use?
* How much CHIP memory do you have? (include your gfx card memory too if you have one) * How much FAST memory do you have? (choose the closet match)
* How big is your hard drive? (choose the closest match) * Do you have a CD-ROM?