TABLE OF CONTENTS iconobject.datatype/--background-- iconobject.datatype/iconobject.datatype iconobject.datatype/--background-- iconobject.datatype/--background-- PURPOSE The iconobject.datatype has a special API to work with icons. It makes both images , tooltypes and many more available. FUNCTION The iconobject.datatype has some special method to draw images and writing icons. It is also compatible to gadgets methods. You can use datatypes.library or iconobject.library to create objects. The icon- object.library is much faster. After creating an object the gadget.left and fields are filled with the saved iconposition. The GA_LEFT,GA_TOP,GA_WIDTH and GA_HEIGHT tags are ignored. They have to be set after creating the obj- ect if you like to change them. Before using the IDTM_Draw method you have to use IDTM_Layout. The IDTM_Layout method will generate the images and probably changing the size. The extgadget.bounds field of the return object hold the position and the whole size (including the text) and the position. The gadget size infos are only the image size. The size may change after layouting if you setup a inneroffset. The gadget.left/top field may be IO_NOPOSITION. If you use an iconobject as gadget you don't need to layout it, this will be done automatically. The textcolor and the drawmode you like have to be set in the rastport before drawing. CREATING SUBDATATYPES OM_NEW You have to open the icon and then you should set some attributes to the superclass (e.g. Tooltypes). Set the position and the size in the gadget struct. If you like to have a transparent icon then set the IDTA_Mask_.. tags before the IDTM_Layout method. OM_DISPOSE Free your icon. IDTM_Layout After calling the superclass you can get the gadget.gadgetrender and selectrender. These are filled with a pointer to a rastport or NULL. Get the IDTA_InnerLeft and IDTA_InnerTop attributes and draw your image into the rastport. The bitmap in the rastport may be a 15/16 or 24bit bitmap. You can use cybergraphics.library to access it. Check the layout.flags to know which image you should generate. IDTM_Write Generate a icon from the icon object and write it to disk. IDTA_Extention Set the extention of your icons or NULL if they have none. USING ICONOBJECT-DATATYPES iconobject.datatype/iconobject.datatype iconobject.datatype/iconobject.datatype NAME iconobject.datatype -- root data type for iconobject. FUNCTION The iconobject.datatype is the super-class of all iconobjects. METHODS OM_NEW -- Create a new iconobject. OM_GET -- Obtain the value of an attribute. OM_SET -- Set the values of multiple attributes. GM_HITTEST -- Determine if the object has been hit with the mouse. If the image has a mask, the iconobject will check if the click is insite of this mask. GM_RENDER -- Cause the graphic to render. IDTM_Layout -- layout the iconobject, it *MUST* be used before using the ITDM_Draw method IDTM_Draw -- draw the whole icon to the rastport given in the io_draw struct. The gadget flag SELECTED will determinate the if the unselected or selected image will be drawn. IDTM_Write -- write the icon to disk IDTM_FindToolType -- find a tooltype IDTM_GetToolTypeValue -- get a value from a tooltype IDTM_FreeLayout -- free the layout. This should be used if you change the screen. You can use IDTM_Layout after this method. TAGS IDTA_Type (ULONG) -- icontype (see icon.library/diskobject) Applicability is (ISG). IDTA_Text (*CHAR) -- icon text, will normally displayed under the icon if you set this attribute you have to relayout the iconobject. Applicability is (ISG). IDTA_DefaultTool (CHAR *) -- default tool Applicability is (ISG). IDTA_WindowRect (struct IBox *) -- the window position and size if the icontype is disk/drawer/trashcan Applicability is (ISG). IDTA_ToolTypes (APTR *) -- tooltype array Applicability is (ISG). IDTA_Stacksize (ULONG) -- stacksize Applicability is (ISG). IDTA_InnerLeft (ULONG) IDTA_InnerTop (ULONG) IDTA_InnerRight (ULONG) IDTA_InnerBottom (ULONG) -- inner offset to the iconimage, you need to relayout the icon after changing this attribute Applicability is (ISG). IDTA_FrameType (ULONG) IDTA_FrameTypeSel (ULONG) -- frametype for the unselected and selected image Applicability is (ISG). IDTA_WinCurrentX (LONG) IDTA_WinCurrentY (LONG) -- virtual inneroffset of the window to open Applicability is (ISG). IDTA_LayoutFlags (ULONG) -- find out what's already layouted Applicability is (..G). IDTA_Extention (CHAR *) -- the icon-extention or NULL Applicability is (..G). IDTA_Mask_Normal (BYTE *) IDTA_Mask_Selected (BYTE *) -- the image mask, the width is rounded by 16. It one planar bitplane. Applicability is (ISG). IDTA_Flags (ULONG) -- icon flags (e.g. ShowAllFiles) Applicability is (ISG). IDTA_ViewModes -- viewmodes for the window to open Applicability is (ISG). IDTA_DefType (ULONG) -- defaulticon type (see icon.library/diskobject) Applicability is (I..). IDTA_TextPen (ULONG) -- colorpen for the outline around the text Applicability is (ISG). IDTA_TextMode (ULONG) -- the textmode (e.g. Outline) Applicability is (ISG). IDTA_TextSkip (ULONG) -- space in pixels between the text and the image Applicability is (ISG). IDTA_HalfShadowPen (ULONG) -- MagicWB halfshadow pen, needed for some frames Applicability is (ISG). IDTA_HalfShinePen (ULONG) -- MagicWB halfshine pen, need for some frames Applicability is (ISG).