If no paths are given, / is used as the current working directory. If path begins with a /, fcdcmd uses it as the current working directory. Otherwise, fcdcmd appends path to the end of the current working directory. In both cases, fcdcmd simplifies the new path and writes it to the stdout. In order for the effect of fcdcmd to be felt in subsequent FSP transactions, user needs to save the stdout output in the FSP_DIR variable. If the change is successful, fcdcmd will display the protection setting of the new working directory.
fcdcmd will perform csh file name globbing based on file and directory information obtained from the FSP database.
Since user's command shells generally cannot do the proper globbing for this program, it is recommended that user defines a shell alias or fucntion to turns off command shell globbing before running this program. csh example:
alias fcd setenv FSP_DIR \`\(set noglob\; exec fcdcmd \!\*\)\`
The following variables associate this program with a FSP database:
If more than one paths are given, only the first one will be used. The rest will be silently ignored.