Wget Gateway

Welcome to Wget Gateway, a simple page showing the usage of socksified wget behind a firewall. In my configuration it is very useful because:

With the combination of a socksified wget and a simple cgi that schedules the requests can I reach the aim. All you need is:

This is my h/s configuration:
+----------+ +----------------------------------+ +---------------------+
| Firewall | | Host that can exit from firewall | | Intranet www server |
+----------+ |            htceff                | +---------------------+
             +----------------------------------+ | Wget.html           |
             | socksified wget                  | +---------------------+
	     | cgi-lib.pl                       | 
	     | perl                             |
	     | wget.cgi                         |

wget.cgi, wget and cgi-lib.pl are located in the usual cgi-bin directory. The customization of wget.cgi and wget.html has to reflect you installation, i.e.:

You can also add other parameters that you want to pass to wget, but in this case you will also have to modify wget.cgi

Recursive Download

Depth 1 2 3 4 5

Url to download:
Destination directory:

Now you can the requested URL or the form.
Feedback is always useful! Please contact me at
Antonio Rosella<Antonio.Rosella@agip.it>.
You can send your suggestions or bug reports for Wget to
Hrvoje Niksic <hniksic@srce.hr>.
Last modified: Thu Mar 26 16:26:36 MET 1998